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we was on the radio!!!!

Russel Goldsmith was invited to appear on Academy fm Thanet’s sports show on Saturday 26th October at 2pm.

Russel spoke with Phil Dilley and gave an insight into the inner workings at TFM, how it all began and who works on the magazine.

They spoke about how the magazine was formed and how it is funded, Russel also gave an overview of the features within the magazine and what is to be expected in the latest issue.

Phil asked a series of questions to Russel that are as follows:

  • What made you want to start the magazine?
  • Where is the magazine available?
  • What are the goals for the magazine?
  • Who and what is in the magazine?
  • Who works on the magazine?
  • What can we expect in the November issue?
  • How can teams charities feature in the magazine?
  • How is the magazine funded?
  • How can people advertise within the magazine?

Take a listen to gain an overview of how the magazine is put together each month and where you can pick up a copy.

We’d like to say thank you to Phil and the team at Academy fm for the invite and we would love to feature on the show again to share more news about the magazine and its growth throughout the football community.